Professional Online Training
June 3rd to july 2nd 2024
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Online course on Data Spaces for Mobility

Discover the world of mobility data spaces in this online course tailored for mobility professionals with a solid background in mobility planning, operations, data, and management.

Supported by:


Fully-funded scholarships

We have some scholarships available. Please apply by completing the form below. 

Did you know that the European Data Strategy aims to make the EU a leader in a data-driven society?

The European Commission's Strategy for Data aims to create a unified market, ensuring Europe's competitiveness and data sovereignty. Common European data spaces will facilitate data flow within the EU and across sectors (including Mobility), fostering innovation while adhering to GDPR regulations.

Transitioning to the Digital Economy requires technological upgrades and enhanced knowledge for informed decision-making. This course will upskill the participants to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by data-based business models underpinned by the novel concept of Data Spaces, providing basic data literacy and understanding of the technical, legal, and legislative context at European level. 


June 3rd 2024


Instructional materials, 3 online
sessions + 
1 final workshop

EIT Urban Mobility Certificate

Upon training completion

Course Methodology

Data Spaces for Mobility is an online course led by experts in the field that combines theoretical knowledge and literature made ad-hoc for this course.

Introductory sessions

Offered through our Factual Academy with updated instructional materials, including documents and theoretical reports on Data Spaces.

Live online sessions

Engage with industry experts leading the sessions to discuss your doubts and challenges on mobility data spaces, helping to define your data space use case pitch. 

Final workshop session

Participants work in a collaborative way to apply the finishing touches to their moblity data space use case pitches before presenting!

Course Objectives

Conceptual Knowledge Acquisition

Acquire knowledge on the main concepts related to Data Spaces.

EC Initiative Overview

Get an overview of the EC initiatives framing the proposal for creating Data Spaces.


Understand the relevance of transparent and secure data sharing environments in different mobility areas.

Relevant Mobility Projects

Learn about the most relevant existing mobility data projects in the mobility sector.


Understand the potential and opportunities for leveraging Data Spaces in intelligent transport systems and urban mobility.

Use Cases

Identify and define use cases that unlock the potential of Data Spaces in the field of mobility.

Governance and Sustainability

Understand the key aspects related to the governance and long-term sustainability of Data Spaces.

Roadmap Development

Define a potential roadmap for the implementation of mobility Data Space use cases.
Write your awesome label here.

Who can enrol?

This training targets a broad range of mobility professionals, identifying the following profiles:

  • Professional mobility experts (public bodies, private operators, etc.) with a strong background in the mobility planning, operations, data and management. 

Participants will be required to have a previous education on the technical area (i.e., transport engineers) or in the business field (or similar). Previous education on digital technologies will not be required.

Course Calendar and Structure


Fully-funded scholarships

We have some scholarships available. Please apply by completing the form below. 

Some of the expert speakers

Data Spaces for Mobility is an online course led by experts in the field that combines theoretical knowledge and literature made ad-hoc for this course.

The sessions will delve into various aspects of this topic, including the types of mobility data that can be shared. They will explore how to leverage this data effectively and discuss efforts to establish common standards. Innovations in data governance to protect user privacy will also be covered. Additionally, the technical architecture supporting mobility data spaces will be explained in detail. 

Tu-Tho Thai

Manager, Projects and Partnerships at ITxPT

Ferdinand Burgersdijk

Founder of FairsFair

Josep Laborda

CEO and Managing Partner at FACTUAL Consulting

Laure De Cock

Innovation specialist mobility at imec

Iker Gonzalez

Senior AI Innovation Manager at i2CAT

Want more information?

If you have any questions before enrolling, send us an email and we'll get back to you shortly. 

Thank you!

This project is supported by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. EIT Urban Mobility acts to accelerate positive change on mobility to make urban spaces more liveable. Learn more:

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