FREE training starting SEPTEMBER 2024 
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Learn with the common European mobility data space

The first-of-its-kind training programme on the common European mobility data space. This free course will support you in understanding and accessing the right tools to help you deploy your high-impact mobility use cases.

What is the common European mobility data space (EMDS)?

The common European mobility data space (EMDS) aims to facilitate data access, pooling and sharing for more efficient, safe, sustainable and resilient transport. It builds on initiatives and applications related to transport data and will be supported by initiatives to boost interoperability, security, and the availability and provision of data and services.
Aligned with the European Data Strategy and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, deployEMDS, is a project co-funded under the EU Digital Europe Programme. It's primary objective is to deploy an operational data space and common governance mechanisms.

Learn with the common European mobility data space is a comprehensive training 
programme involving experts from the consortium and beyond, with hands-on exercises oriented at deployment and use case implementation. The training is open to project partners and external stakeholders as part of the project’s exploitation activities.
deployEMDS project and training course

What is deployEMDS?

Training Course Overview

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Intro to the Common EUropean Mobility Data Space

Starting in September 2024

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Understand what the European mobility data space (EMDS) is and why federated data sharing is important for the future of mobility in Europe.​



From October 2024

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Learn about the technical building block capabilities of data spaces in the context of mobility and the European mobility data space more specifically​.



From 2025

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Understand the governance & legal layers involved in building MVP use cases. Navigate public-private governance challenges and get insight into best practices.


Build YOUR

From 2025

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Learn how the common European mobility data space can help you deploy your high-impact mobility use cases. Develop detailed use case implementation plans.

Course Methodology

Learn with the common European mobility data space is a comprehensive course led by experts in the field that leverages the findings of the deployEMDS project as well as existing and tailored literature for this course.

Self-paced learning

Offered through the Factual Academy with updated instructional materials, including video, documents and comprehensive reports.

Live online sessions

Engage with deployEMDS experts leading the sessions to discuss your doubts and challenges on mobility data spaces.


Challenge-based co-creation workshops facilitated by expert moderators addressing your mobility use cases

Course Objectives

Assess your role in the data economy

Identify potential use cases for data sharing by mapping your data assets and gaps. Develop your investment case and business model for data sharing.


Define a go-to-market strategy with short, medium and long-term goals to overcome technical, business and legal challenges while onboarding the relevant stakeholders.

Proof of Concept

Define the right KPIs and pilot your use case(s) to test the business and governance models.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Identify the relevant network to connect to and build mobility use case MVP.

Full deployment

Fully-implement the technical components to be involved with mobility data spaces and scale-up your use case(s). 


Provide user-centric feedback relevant to the future direction of the common European mobility data space and deployEMDS.
Write your awesome label here.

Who can enrol?

  • Sustainable mobility and data enthusiasts from universities, public authorities, innovative SMEs to large multi-nationals 
  • Members of the deployEMDS Innovation & Scaling Group and Network of Follower Cities
  • deployEMDS project partners

Previous education on data spaces is not required.

Training plan

Module 0 - Getting Started
Module 1 - EMDS Vision
Module 2 - Technical 
Module 3 - Governance
Module 4 - Deployment
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Introduction to the deployEMDS project and course
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Learning Objectives

  • Understand the course program and evaluation method.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the course syllabus, the method of evaluation
  • Understand the blended format of the course and the key moments
  • Get motivated to get started


  1. Layout and content of the course
  2. What is expected of participants 
  3. How assessments will take place
  4. Intake-quiz to understand the current experience and situation of participants.
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What is a European Mobility Data Space (EMDS)? Why deploy an EMDS?
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Learning Objectives

  • Understand what the European Mobility Data Space (EMDS) is and why it is important for the future of mobility in Europe.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the European Commission’s vision
  • Learn about the advantages of a data space and existing examples
  • Understand why data spaces are important for the future of mobility
  • Identify the key stakeholders involved in mobility data spaces


  1. The European Mobility Data Space Vision
  2. Market failures and trends in the mobility sector
  3. How deployEMDS is working to address these
  4. Potential impact for public and private sector stakeholders
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What are the technical building blocks of data spaces and the EMDS?
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Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the technical building block capabilities of data spaces and the EMDS more specifically

Learning outcomes

  • Understand what technology is needed to build a data space in its most basic form
  • Get insight on the maturity and roadmap for further developments in this technology
  • Find out whether additional components and capabilities are required to connect to the EMDS


  1. Minimum technological requirements of a data space
  2. Additional technical components and services
  3. Components in the European Mobility Data Space
  4. Interoperability between local data spaces and the EMDS
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What governance and regulatory mechanisms are involved?
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Learning Objectives

  • Understand the regulatory and governance mechanisms involved to ensure minimum viability

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding of the governance layers: use case, data space and EMDS level
  • Navigate public-private governance challenges and get insight into best practices
  • Learn about the European legal frameworks and how legal mechanisms are integrated into a data space’s building blocks


  1. Roles in a data space and governance frameworks
  2. EU past, present and future mobility data regulations
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How can the EMDS help you deploy your local data space and/or use cases?
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Learning Objectives

  • Understand how the EMDS can help you deploy your local data space and/or use cases

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how to successfully deploy a data space that is interoperable with the EMDS
  • Understand how existing data spaces can be interoperable with the European Mobility Data Space
  • Develop detailed data space and use case implementation plans


  1. Data space implementation roadmap and phases
  2. Use case implementation roadmap and phases
  3. Interoperability of existing data spaces with the EMDS
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Some of the expert speakers

Short description of the training and what will be discussed

Name Surname

Position at Company

Name Surname

Position at Company

Name Surname

Position at Company

Name Surname

Position at Company

Name Surname

Position at Company

Frequently asked questions

Is the course free or paid?

The course will be completely free.

When does the course start?

The course is set to start on September 2nd, 2024. 

Is this course only for people in Europe?

No, this course is open to everyone, regardless of your location.

Do I need to have previous knowledge on data spaces to enrol?

No, there is no need. The course will have an introduction to data spaces for everyone to be in the same page. 

What does EMDS stand for?

The common European Mobility Data Space (EMDS) aims to facilitate data access, pooling and sharing for more efficient, safe, sustainable and resilient transport. It builds on initiatives and applications related to transport data and will be supported by initiatives to boost interoperability, security, and the availability and provision of data and services.

I already know everything about data spaces, why should I enrol?

The EMDS is currently in its early stages of development, and this course offers exciting opportunities to learn first-hand with the deployEMDS project to enhance your knowledge further.

How time-consuming will the course be? 

The estimated minimum time requirement will be 20 hours within a time frame of 2 calendar years. The course will be mainly supported by asynchronous offline learning such as quizzes and other interactive assignments for you to progress with the training at your own pace. The live sessions will be there to consolidate learning and interact with experts.

When will the live sessions take place?

The first live sessions are planned for September and October 2024, and you will be informed well in advance of the dates and times. Of course, we will try our best to find the most accommodating time slot, but regardless the sessions will be recorded and available for viewing on demand.

Want more information?

If you have any questions before enrolling, send us an email and we'll get back to you shortly. 

Training Partners

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